Hormone imbalances and digestive issues such as IBS and SIBO can really disrupt your daily life. Gut issues lead to hormone imbalances, exhaustion, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions, anxiety and sleep issues.

Coming Soon - Natural Herbal Weight/Fat Loss Program

New Gut Microbiome Reset 8 Week Online Program $897.00 this includes 10% off your MetaXplore GI Plus Microbiome Test until 31/10/24

Program includes - 1 x Initial Consultation, MetaXplore GI Plus Test and a copy of your report, Report of Findings Consultation, 3 x Mini Consultations plus handouts and recipes - Valued at over $1000

My Body Balance Treatments (energy healing) are designed around my Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology studies.

  • Chakra Healing Balance,
  • Transpersonal Chakra Healing Balance
  • Five Elements Balance
  • Aura Healing Balance will be added mid October.

Book your Naturopathy Consultations, New Gut Microbiome Reset 8 Week Online Program or Body Balance Treatment below.

Book Here

As a dedicated women's health and digestive health naturopath, I specialise in helping women who are experiencing digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and hard to shift weight, especially fat storage caused by perimenopause/menopause. With a holistic approach, I provide personalised care to empower you to achieve optimal health and well-being.

If this resonates with you, I'm here to support and nourish you to be the healthiest you.

I work with women of all ages both locally and throughout Australia, in person and online.

Book Your Consultation Today



Where balancing your hormones and digestive health begins

Creator of my Facebook Group - Digestive & Hormonal Harmony - for women of all ages

Digestive & Hormonal Harmony

Whether you're dealing with chronic bloating, tummy pain, erratic hormonal fluctuations or overwhelming stress, or exhaustion, my holistic approach to wellness is designed to address the root causes of your symptoms. I don't just treat the surface issues, I work with you to create a personalised plan that nourishes your body, balances your hormones, and restores your vitality from the inside out.

Are you fed up with not being heard, understood or supported when discussing your digestive problems or hormonal issues or your energy levels with other health professionals?

I believe that wellness is not just about treating symptoms – it's about empowering you to live your best life, every single day. So if you're ready to embrace a journey of healing, growth, and transformation, I'm here to guide you every step of the way.

Book Your Consultation Today

I have over 23 years experience working in the health sector which includes both aged care and NDIS support. I obtained my Bachelor of Health Science (Naturopathy) in 2013. I have a passion for working with women of all ages as I believe we should all be free from worrying about why we 'just don't feel right!'

Through a combination of naturopathic principles, dietary guidance, and lifestyle adjustments, I work closely with my clients to address the root causes of their health concerns. My goal is to create sustainable, long-term solutions that not only alleviate symptoms but also enhance overall vitality and quality of life.

I have years of experience supporting people with various health issues and I have a passion for natural health.

Whether you're dealing with chronic digestive discomfort, hormonal fluctuations, or seeking preventive care, I am here to guide you every step of the way.

I have begun my Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiology studies this year and will complete this amazing healing modality at the end of 2025.

I have created my Body Balance Treatment which is an in clinic treatment, where I incorporate muscle testing and all the extras (sound healing, flower essences, colour therapy, crystals, Chakra balancing oils, 5 Elements balancing oils, oracle cards, affirmation cards, doTERRA essential oils) that you may test for in your treatment, as this is extremely personal and centred on you.

From Saturday 3rd August, I'm adding an extra into the Body Balance Treatment. This will be Chakra Balancing which is a beautiful addition to this relaxing treatment.

I'm combining both Reiki Energy Healing and Muscle Testing Treatments separately into my clinic as it is an important part of your healing journey. Reiki is the Japanese name for 'Universal Life Force Energy' and I have been a Reiki Practitioner for over 20 years. More information is in my News section.

Hi, I'm Katrina

I feel your digestive pain and frustration as I’ve been there as well. This had led me to study Naturopathy at Endeavor College of Natural Medicine in Brisbane where I obtained my BHSc (Nat) and in 2013. I am a degree qualified Naturopath, Clinical Herbalist and Nutritionist.

I have been wanting to add another modality into my clinic and have begun my studies into being a fully qualified Emotions and Metaphysical Kinesiologist (EMK) which I will complete by the end of 2025.

I am incorporating muscle testing into clinic as part of my Body Balance Treatment. I'm finding this to be a beautiful addition into finding out what stresses and past traumas are blocking your healing journey.

I was so over my digestive health issues and 'just not feeling right.' SIBO had been my underlying cause which had gone undiagnosed and incorrectly treated over the years as SIBO wasn't a recognised or acknowledge condition (medically). I did have relief from my symptoms and got on with my daily life but underneath I 'just didn't feel right.'

My SIBO had flared back up again in 2020 and I was grateful that I was able to take the time to treat myself. I am now SIBO free and have been for over 3 years!

Having both perimenopausal symptoms and digestive health issues (SIBO or IBS) is what I call a double whammy! I knew that I wasn't alone with these symptoms and neither are you. All of these are able to be treated naturally and successfully.

Perimenopause begins in our early 40s and can last for up to ten years before we begin our menopause journey. I am now mid-way through my perimenopausal journey - (I've suffered from most of the known hormonal issues) and now feel well again.

Are you seeking the help of an experienced and degree qualified Naturopath that understands 'just not feeling right' and is here to listen and to support you on your healing journey.

Learn more about Katrina Froome Naturopathy!

What my clients say

I saw Katrina as my periods were heavy and painful and I was over having to put up with this each month! Some months I needed to call in sick from work as they were making me so unwell.

Katrina recommended that I do her Hair Bio Compatibility Food and Product test as my diet was all over the place.

I noticed a difference within the next month as my periods were less heavy and the pain had reduced a lot.

The following month I had even more noticeable improvements.

After 6 months of being on this program and having a few supplements, I felt so much better as my periods were lighter and I didn't have anymore pain or bloating - I no longer dread getting my periods and I love my new cycle as I feel so much better!


I've started working with Katrina as I've suffered from post viral infections, chronic fatigue and IBS.

I have started on my treatment plan that included having my hair sample sent to be analyzed through HTMA (hair tissue mineral analysis). This has given a great overview of what minerals are causing an imbalance in my body.

I am starting to feel more energized and motivated along with my IBS symptoms reducing.


I suffered from IBS (diarrhoea) for many years. I thought that going to the toilet after meals and up to 5 times a day was going to be my normal way of living.

Due to my symptoms, Katrina recommended that I be tested for SIBO and it came back positive. I have completed my SIBO treatment and I’m now enjoying my life again.

Katrina really listened to my concerns and understood my frustrations as I was feeling overwhelmed and exhausted due to having suffered from IBS for many years.

Katrina supported me to make the changes that she prescribed for me and now I can go out without looking for the toilet and can eat out without the anxiety of what and where can I safely eat?


I’ve tried so many diets over the years and was constantly yo-yoing with my weight and digestive symptoms. I was recommended by a friend to see Katrina and I tried her Repair, Re-balance and Restore Program and found that this made such a huge difference to my symptoms.

I’ve lost weight and have maintained this along with my digestive issues have gone away!” Now I’m focusing on maintaining my weight loss with Katrina’s help.


I am so happy to have found Katrina as I was suffering from a lot of the perimenopausal symptoms and felt exhausted.

Katrina worked with me to make my dietary changes, through her Hair Bio Compatibility Food and Product Testing. Katrina also made some 'delicious' herbal remedies that supported my body and helped to balance my hormones. I was able to get a good night sleep as my night sweats and hot flushes had gone. I felt more energised and my memory had improved.

I'm enjoying my transition into menopause as I felt supported and understood as perimenopause can be a hormonal rollercoaster and can also be an enjoyable time of a womans life.


I have had my first Body Balance Treatment and felt so good afterwards! I've had the motivation and energy to do a few things in my business that I had been putting off for months. I slept so well that night and the nights afterwards, as sleep had been a huge problem for me in the past.


I have suffered from digestive health issues for many years. My main issues were bloating, constipation, reflux and tummy pain. Katrina recommended that I be tested for SIBO as my symptoms were similar but she stated the importance of WHY I need to be tested.

I tested positive to methane dominant SIBO (C) and followed my treatment plan that Katrina created for me as I don't like eating red meat and prefer more vegetarian options. I also took my prescribed supplements which included herbal formulas that were made especially for me and my symtoms.

I am so happy as I'm no longer suffering from constipation and I now have digestive freedom!!


I am alway so exhausted and stressed when going on holidays that I have no energy to enjoy myself. My tummy is usually playing up as well especially with a change in diet.

This time I felt so good, I wasn’t stressed leading up to going away as I was organised prior to flying out. I took my supplements and herbal formula with me. I found that I had so much energy that I enjoyed catching up with family and sightseeing. I wasn’t tired or exhausted like I usually am when I’m away, I felt so relaxed and my tummy was pretty good as well.


I've been following my results from my Hair Bio-Compatibility Food and Product Test for the past 6 months and have just received my results from my re-test.

I'm really happy with my results, as I can add more foods back into my diet that weren't on my original list.

There are a few new foods that I need to stay away from but these were likely to be causing my latest skin flare ups.
