Book Your Naturopathy Consultations, Metabolic Health Appointments, Body Balance Treatments for Women & Kids Kineasy Treatments or Free 15 Information Call

You will find Packages and Programs created by Katrina Froome Naturopathy here as well.

Let's get you booked in!

  1. Select Location - Moggill or Online.
  2. Select your Naturopathy Consultation or Metabolic Health Appointment, Body Balance Treatments, FREE 15 minute Information Call.
  3. Programs and Packages - Gut Microbiome Reset 8 Week Online Program, Repair, Rebalance, Restore Wellness 3 Month Online Program, Chill and Thrive Online Package and Summer Energetic Rebalance Package.
  4. Choose a time which suits you best.
  5. Fill in a few details and organise payment.
  6. Please click the link below and this will take you through to Katrina Froome Naturopathy's booking program - (SimpleClinic).


Cancellation Policy/No-Show Policy

Katrina Froome Naturopathy will remind clients of upcoming consultations via email and SMS the day prior to your consultation. If you need to cancel or re-schedule your consultation please advise as soon as possible. However, we understand sometimes life happens and other commitments take priority. If possible 24 hours notice is required for consultation cancellations, 100% of your consultation fee will apply to no-shows. With no-shows Katrina Froome Naturopathy requires any outstanding fees to be paid before rendering any future consultations. By partaking in your consultation with Katrina Froome Naturopathy, you agree to the above terms and conditions.