Blog News
Setting Up for School Success: Naturopathic Tips for Children and Teens
As the new school year approaches, parents and caregivers often find themselves navigating the excitement and challenges of preparing their child/children for success both in and out of the classroom. Prioritising your child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being lays the foundation for a thriving school year. From nutrition and sleep to managing stress and supporting their gut health, there are simple yet effective naturopathic strategies that can help your children feel energised, focused, and ready to take on the year ahead.
Welcoming Maga - The Autumn Stage of a Woman's Life
I often reflect on the beauty and significance of the various life phases we go through as women. One such phase, rich in wisdom and transformation, is known as "Maga." This term, derived from the Gaelic word for "wise woman," represents the autumn stage of a woman's life—typically her late 40s to mid 60s. Embracing Maga is about honoring the natural progression of life, celebrating the wisdom accumulated, and nurturing oneself holistically -
Our Lymphatic System: The Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
The lymphatic system is a vital part of the body's immune system and plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that work together to remove toxins, waste, and excess fluids from the body while also fighting infections and diseases.The lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining the body's internal balance, defending against infections, and supporting overall health and well-being. Proper functioning of the lymphatic system is essential for optimal immune function, detoxification, and overall vitality.
Dry skin brushing is a simple and effective technique that can support lymphatic drainage and overall detoxification.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) - Balancing Body Chemistry
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measure the mineral composition of hair. It is regarded by many doctors, naturopaths and nutritionists as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care. I use this test regularly with my clients both in clinic and online as HTMA gives a personalized interpretive test report that assesses your current mineral status, highlights areas of concern and recommends dietary changes based on your results. -
Staying hydrated for optimum health
Staying hydrated is crucial for optimum health because water plays a vital role in various physiological functions within the body. Here are some key reasons why hydration is essential: Cellular Function, Temperature Regulation, Nutrient Transport, Joint Lubrication, Digestive Health, Detoxification, Cognitive Function, Skin Health and Heart Health. -
Perimenopause and Vaginal Dryness
The not so known or spoken about health issues, such as, vaginal dryness, light bladder leakage and dry skin (all over our bodies), during the perimenopause transition into menopause is where I'm focusing on this month for my blog topic.
There is a lot more discussion and openness around the topic of vaginal dryness and vaginal irritations along with vaginal atrophy and women are becoming more proactive in getting the right treatment solutions and are seeking the help of a qualified Naturopath and other health professionals, that work in the women's health field.
Are you wanting beautiful skin this winter?
Our skin is our largest organ and protects our internal organs from environmental toxins. The appearance of our skin is important especially for our self esteem, if you are suffering from acne, eczema or dermatitis this can cause added stress and can make these conditions worse. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition of the skin.
The cooler months can cause these conditions to worsen as the dry winds outside combined with warm rooms and/or electric blankets aren't kind to our skin. We also need to be mindful about what we apply to our skin as it is absorbed into our lymphatic system, blood stream and digestive system. Our endocrine system and hormones can be affected by what we put on our skin too.
The food that we eat and what we drink also affects our skin. Have you noticed a link to what you are eating and how your skin reacts?