Blog News
Unlocking Metabolic Health: The Key to Hormone Balance, Gut Health, and Burning Visceral Fat
When it comes to health, metabolism is often the unsung hero. It’s more than just a buzzword tied to weight loss; it’s the engine that powers every process in your body. From hormone balance to gut health, your metabolism plays a critical role in how you feel, function, and thrive. Let’s dive into what metabolism really is, why visceral fat is such a stubborn obstacle, and how Naturopathy can help you achieve true metabolic health.
Unlocking Mental and Digestive Wellbeing: Exploring the Heavy Metal Connection
Are you are experiencing anxiety, stress, depression, brain fog, poor concentration or sleep issues? Are you seeking holistic pathways towards your mental health. In a lot of cases, heavy metals were one of the underlying causes of my clients mood and digestive disorders.
Heavy metals enter our body through the gastrointestinal tract, skin, or via inhalation. Toxic metals have proven to be a major threat to human health, mostly because of their ability to cause membrane and DNA damage, and to disrupt protein function and enzyme activity.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) - Balancing Body Chemistry
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measure the mineral composition of hair. It is regarded by many doctors, naturopaths and nutritionists as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care. I use this test regularly with my clients both in clinic and online as HTMA gives a personalized interpretive test report that assesses your current mineral status, highlights areas of concern and recommends dietary changes based on your results. -
Why test your Gut Microbiome? Unlocking the secrets of your gut health
Did you know that your gut microbiome plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being? That's right! Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that impact everything from digestion and nutrient absorption to immune function and mood regulation.
Gut microbiome testing is one test that I love to prescribe for my clients, especially if they have been searching (Dr Google) or working with other health professionals for answers and not getting to the bottom of their health issues.
Staying hydrated for optimum health
Staying hydrated is crucial for optimum health because water plays a vital role in various physiological functions within the body. Here are some key reasons why hydration is essential: Cellular Function, Temperature Regulation, Nutrient Transport, Joint Lubrication, Digestive Health, Detoxification, Cognitive Function, Skin Health and Heart Health. -
What are FODMAPs and can following a low FODMAP diet help reduce IBS and/or SIBO symptoms?
A popular diet that I prescribed in clinic for my IBS clients is the low FODMAP diet. FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that the small intestine absorbs poorly.
This diet has been designed to help people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and/or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) figure out which foods are problematic and which foods reduce symptoms. Low FODMAP foods also help relieve symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
I’m curious to know ‘Have you tried the Low FODMAP Diet to help relieve your digestive issues?’
What is Coeliac Disease and how can Naturopathy help you?
The common symptoms of Coeliac Disease are - bloating, tummy pain, constipation, diarrhoea, nausea, fatty stools. These symptoms are very similar to Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) and having a diagnosis is essential so that you are aware of why you are having these symptoms and getting the correct treatment for your digestive issues. -
What is Constipation and how does it affect your hormones?
Constipation can contribute to hormone imbalances but on the flip side, hormone imbalances can also contribute to constipation, making for a vicious cycle. Are you ready to find out what's causing your constipation? -
Are you tired of being tired?
Life is so busy and it can feel like a constant battle to find the energy to function when you are tired, stressed, overwhelmed or exhausted! I know it's so easy to grab a quick energy fix when you are feeling rundown, exhausted or burnt out. Most of these 'quick energy fixes' are full of sugar and are highly processed which isn't good for your digestive health, weight or your adrenals. It's important to eat a balanced whole food diet, whether you are a meat eater or a plant based diet.
The heath benefits of Raw Cocao vs Cocoa
Raw cacao is somewhat different from the common “Cocoa” most of us grew up eating and drinking. Cacao (pronounced “cu-COW”) refers to the Theobroma Cacao tree from which Cocoa is derived, and is used when referring to unprocessed versions of the cacao bean. -
What does anxiety feel like for you?
While anxiety is usually a natural and short-lived reaction to a stressful situation, for some people anxious thoughts, feelings, or physical symptoms can become chronic, severe and upsetting, and interrupt daily life. Anxiety can affect both women, men and children and has increased over the past 2 years due to all the uncertainty that we have gone through. What is 2022 going to be like?
5 Tips to enjoy your holiday celebrations and not feel exhausted
Our summer weather is perfect for catching up with family and friends over the festive season whether it involves a family picnic, bbq outdoors, trips to the beach or a swim in the pool. The last thing I want my clients to feel is that they can't take part in any festivities due to being on a certain diet or due to their health concerns. It is important for both their physical and mental health that they are able to live their best lives whilst being on their healing journey. I also like my clients to focus on their end goal and if they over indulge it is still okay as we can get back on track tomorrow.
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