Blog News
Unlocking Metabolic Health: The Key to Hormone Balance, Gut Health, and Burning Visceral Fat
When it comes to health, metabolism is often the unsung hero. It’s more than just a buzzword tied to weight loss; it’s the engine that powers every process in your body. From hormone balance to gut health, your metabolism plays a critical role in how you feel, function, and thrive. Let’s dive into what metabolism really is, why visceral fat is such a stubborn obstacle, and how Naturopathy can help you achieve true metabolic health.
Signs that stress is hiding in your body
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but what happens when it quietly takes over your body without your awareness? Many of us are so accustomed to being “busy” and “switched on” all the time that we overlook the subtle signs our bodies give us when stress becomes too much. Left unaddressed, this hidden stress can lead to physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, hormonal imbalances and long-term health challenges. -
Welcoming Maga - The Autumn Stage of a Woman's Life
I often reflect on the beauty and significance of the various life phases we go through as women. One such phase, rich in wisdom and transformation, is known as "Maga." This term, derived from the Gaelic word for "wise woman," represents the autumn stage of a woman's life—typically her late 40s to mid 60s. Embracing Maga is about honoring the natural progression of life, celebrating the wisdom accumulated, and nurturing oneself holistically -
Naturopathy Consultations - Working with Me
As a dedicated Women's Health & Digestive Health Naturopath, I specialise in helping businesswomen who are experiencing the ups and downs of perimenopause and menopause.
Whether you are experiencing digestive issues, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO) or hormonal imbalances, I take a holistic approach. I provide personalised care to empower women to achieve optimal health and well-being.
New Financial Year - New Look Clinic
New Financial Year - New Look Clinic. There's a couple of changes happening in clinic from Monday 1st July, 2024. I'm now seeing new clients online via zoom. My current clients are still able to continue seeing me in person and are able to change to online if they wish. I'm offering Body Balance Treatments as in person treatments. -
Our Lymphatic System: The Health Benefits of Dry Skin Brushing
The lymphatic system is a vital part of the body's immune system and plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health. It is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that work together to remove toxins, waste, and excess fluids from the body while also fighting infections and diseases.The lymphatic system plays a vital role in maintaining the body's internal balance, defending against infections, and supporting overall health and well-being. Proper functioning of the lymphatic system is essential for optimal immune function, detoxification, and overall vitality.
Dry skin brushing is a simple and effective technique that can support lymphatic drainage and overall detoxification.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) - Balancing Body Chemistry
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is an analytical test that measure the mineral composition of hair. It is regarded by many doctors, naturopaths and nutritionists as one of the most valuable screening tools available in everyday and preventative health care. I use this test regularly with my clients both in clinic and online as HTMA gives a personalized interpretive test report that assesses your current mineral status, highlights areas of concern and recommends dietary changes based on your results. -
Why test your Gut Microbiome? Unlocking the secrets of your gut health
Did you know that your gut microbiome plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being? That's right! Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria that impact everything from digestion and nutrient absorption to immune function and mood regulation.
Gut microbiome testing is one test that I love to prescribe for my clients, especially if they have been searching (Dr Google) or working with other health professionals for answers and not getting to the bottom of their health issues.
Lets make 2024 the year to embrace wellness
For most of us 2023 has been a year of surviving and not thriving as we have come out of our COVID years with a lot of uncertainty, fear and caution. What used to serve us in the past no longer cuts it for us now.
Most of us have embraced our rediscovered freedom and have travelled again, enjoyed celebrating with our friends and family at restaurants and live concerts. Some of us have already begun rebooting our health journey and searching for more in the natural health space to satisfy their curiosity.
This is quiet natural for women who are in their Autumn years, our perimenopausal years. Some fear this time of our lives and some are really embracing this transition into menopause - our Winter years and then post menopause - our second Spring.
Detoxing isn't a dirty word if you do it correctly.
Detoxification is the body's natural process of eliminating toxins and waste to keep you feeling your best. This is done by our lymphatic system (spleen, thymus and lymph nodes) along with our livers, lungs and kidneys. But sometimes, our bodies can use a little extra support to handle the challenges of modern living. It is important to seek the help and assistance of a naturopath as we have been trained through our degrees to support a healthy way of detoxing.
Does your liver need some love?
I thought that January is the perfect time to celebrate our livers and show it some love as our livers really do work overtime especially during the holiday season and throughout the year.
There are many health conditions that are liver related that I treat on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Fatty liver disease, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, constipation, diarrhoea, tummy issues, insomnia, brain fog, itchy skin, acne, PCOS viral flare ups and cardiovascular health are some of the conditions that I work with in clinic.
What is Constipation and how does it affect your hormones?
Constipation can contribute to hormone imbalances but on the flip side, hormone imbalances can also contribute to constipation, making for a vicious cycle. Are you ready to find out what's causing your constipation?
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