Blog News
Unlocking Metabolic Health: The Key to Hormone Balance, Gut Health, and Burning Visceral Fat
When it comes to health, metabolism is often the unsung hero. It’s more than just a buzzword tied to weight loss; it’s the engine that powers every process in your body. From hormone balance to gut health, your metabolism plays a critical role in how you feel, function, and thrive. Let’s dive into what metabolism really is, why visceral fat is such a stubborn obstacle, and how Naturopathy can help you achieve true metabolic health.
Signs that stress is hiding in your body
Stress is an inevitable part of life, but what happens when it quietly takes over your body without your awareness? Many of us are so accustomed to being “busy” and “switched on” all the time that we overlook the subtle signs our bodies give us when stress becomes too much. Left unaddressed, this hidden stress can lead to physical discomfort, emotional imbalance, hormonal imbalances and long-term health challenges. -
Understanding the common links between Long COVID and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
The prolonged fatigue, mental fog, and overall sense of unwellness seen in individuals with Long COVID share a remarkable resemblance to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Both conditions are characterised by persistent symptoms that defy conventional explanations and may linger for months, if not years.
These symptoms are:- Persistent fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy, brain fog and cognitive issues, immune system dysfunction, muscle aches and joint pain, gut health and microbiome imbalances, hormonal imbalances or hormone dysregulation.
What is Hashimoto's Disease?
Hashimoto’s Disease isn’t a problem of your thyroid like hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or thyroiditis. It’s actually a problem of the immune system and is an autoimmune disease. This is where your immune system is attacking your thyroid, causing it to under produce its hormones and slowing down all of your metabolic processes. Hashimoto's Disease affects mostly women and is a very common autoimmune disease and has symptoms very similar to those experienced in perimenopause.